Phd candidate in game localisation
UCL’s Centre for Translation Studies

Dody chen

Language: Chinese, English
With multiple identities such as a video creator and game reviewer, Dody aims to acquaint the public with game localisation theories while examining the research significance of social media’s impact on game localisation.

academic publications

Journal Article - Media and Intercultural Communication
Netnography of Fan Localization on Social Media Releases:
Observation of Overwatch (OW) and Overwatch League (OWL)

Conference Proceeding / Extended Abstract - DiGRA 2023
Fan Localisation in the Chinese Overwatch Game Community:
Conflicts about the Information Transmission

Journal Article - British Journal of Chinese Studies
Issues and Strategies of Localising Sensitive Audiovisual Elements
in Game Streaming: A Case Study on Overwatch League (OWL) Chinese Streaming


English - Chinese Fan Translation of Deadlock Rebels 《死局反叛者》
Deadlock Rebels is a novel about a notorious crime group based on Overwatch,
a first-person shooter video game, developed by Blizzard.

game localisation

English - Chinese Localisation of Before I Forget 《回忆满屋》
Before I Forget is a narrative exploration game that examines a world where memories are constantly fading and jumbled, developed by 3-Fold games.


I am a game streamer, a game video & life vlog maker on Bilibili,
a Chinese video-sharing platform since 2018.
I post 150 videos to my 15k Chinese subscribers and
enjoy the fusion of games and life in the online world.


I share my thoughts and reflections about video games and game localisation, and I also communicate with talented game localisers and game enthusiasts in Gcore,
a Chinese game review platform.
In Chinese, I conclude my practice surfing online as 乐二行三, which means 'enjoy the online life and study the online life in academia'.

Featured Articles
- Narrative and Gameplay: An Analysis of The Wreck
- A Talk with Game-culture Researcher: Gameplay Mode and Game Research Mode


2015-2019BATranslation and InterpretationXidian University, China
2019-2020MACN-EN TranslationUniversity of Bristol, UK
2021-2023Former PhD student (transferred)Translation (Game Localisation)University of Bristol, UK
2023-Curent PhD studentTranslation (Game Localisation)University College London, UK


I use my university portal and ResearchGate for research socials and studying. These websites briefly document my research backgrounds
and the projects I am working on.

Since 2022, I have been an active member of the Bristol Digital Game Lab.
In 2024, I joined the Ludic Language Pedagogy (LLP) community as a reviewer.


I am a heavy Internet addict but potentially bored with Internet socials.
The reasons are I care more about things in life and gameplay.
I usually spend hours playing nonsense and reflecting on my stupidity.
Sigh, what games should I blame?
Overwatch is the one I can name to the public, but there are more...
In most cases I am in the right mind,
so you can reach me through Twitter and email.
Tell me if you can guide me to a higher game rank.
If not, I will still be nice to communicate.
Attention, the above is a gamer's joke.